Two bombs ripped through the crowd at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing three people, maiming others and injuring more than 100 people in what a White House official said would be treated as an "act of terror." It was the worst bombing on U.S. since security was tightened after the attacks of September 11, 2001, and President Barack Obama promised to hunt down whoever was responsible
for the attack on a day when tens of thousands of spectators packed the streets
to watch the world-famous race. The blasts a few seconds apart knocked some
runners off their feet. Many runners were heading for the finish when a fireball
and smoke rose from behind cheering spectators and a row of flags representing
the countries of participants.

  I named this blog“Losing Patients” as a play on words. But in all seriousness, our health care system is literally losing “patients,” killing more than 500 people per day from errors, accidents and infections in hospitals alone, not to mention
the mortality and suffering from millions of procedures that never needed to be done in the first place. At the same time, the employers and other purchasers paying for this care are losing “patience” with the slow pace of change in cleaning up the mess. The prevalence of these unsafe deliveries perfectly embodies the five biggest problems in our health system.
1. Too Much Unnecessary Care
2. Avoidable Harm to Patients
3. Billions of Dollars are Being Wasted
4. Lack of Transparency

  So I just heard of the new liberal leader, Justin Trudeau. I don’t pay much attention to the government so I really don’t know anything of this person except that he is in the liberal party. Anyways, he was elected into power and from what I understand he may be trying to distance himself from his father’s legacy.  A local historian and author says there are similarities between the new Liberal leader’s rise to power and his father’s political path 45 years ago. Trudeau is very well liked in Quebec even though he is heavily targeted by the Quebec media like his father was.  And Pierre Trudeau was often criticized for not being specific about policy, a criticism that has been aimed at his son during the recent Liberal leadership campaign. I can’t say much on that fact, because I didn’t know this about our new leader or his father, but I hope he doesn’t screw us over.

  Overall TedXYouth was what I excpected: mostly entertaining, had a few funny moments, others were adorable in Maddie's case, others were heart-felt, others inspiring, and then some were just plain boring! I'd enjoy attending another one of these Ted Talks, but there were a speakers who I couldn't stand! Wether it was their voice, message, topic... One of the singers -I'm pretty sure- was high on something! And she was a hippie who was "one with the Earth" so I can guarentee you that whatever drug she was on didn't matter because it "came from the ground/nature."
  I was actually pretty disapointed with the singers there. The on eI mentioned above I didn't like for obvious reasons, and the other just seemed to be there to tell us that once she made it to her dreams, she quit her record label, and began promoting her music herself! (Then again she couldn't have gotten that far because no one I talked to had ever heard of her and now she's preforming at Ted Talks so... enough said.) You quit and you got nowhere! Way to go!
  I realize that I have really been nothing but negative toward the speakers so on a lighter note, I really enjoyed Maddie the Ocean Warrior. She was extremely inspiring and had so much courage to get up in front of 600+ people and talk about her ideas. She is probably the most advanced 9-year-old I have ever met! But she will get far in life if she sticks to her dreams and doesnt quit or do drugs like the people listed above!